Organic Certified & Recycled Cotton

As of 2021 we decided to make the transition for our signature lining from GOTS cerfified cotton, to a new composition that has a smaller impact on the planet. This new material is made up of 30% recycled cotton and 70% organic cotton. Just like GOTS certified cotton, the 30/70 composition is produced without chemicals pesticides or fertilizers. It's also fully certified, meaning fair trade conditions for all employees.


Our dust bags, webbing straps, canvas collection and cotton tote bags are made of GOTS certified cotton. Our signature lining, that you'll find inside our bags, is made of a blend of 30% recycled cotton and 70% virgin organic cotton and is thereby Organic Content Standard (OCS) and Global Recycle Standard (GRS) certified. The virgin organic cotton is grown without any harmful pesticides or fertilizers. Also, no heavy chemicals are used during the dying process. Previously we used GOTS certified cotton for our lining too, but from 2021 onwards all of our signature lining will be made using this blend of recycled cotton.

We prioritized switching to recycled cotton for our signature lining to lower our materials impact. Avoiding or minimising the use of virgin fibres and increasing the use of recycled fibres significantly lowers a product's environmental impact - especially when considering water usage.

Recycled cotton isn't as strong as organic virgin cotton which is we are currently using a 30/70 blend. It isn’t industrially feasible to have 100% recycled cotton yet, but we are following the latest developments closely, to be able to increase the percentage of recycled cotton which will reduce our impact even further.


This amazing group of women makes our dust bags
This amazing group of women makes our dust bags
GOTS Cotton Canvas on the back of John Backpack
GOTS Cotton Canvas on the back of John Backpack
Our signature lining is made from a blend of recycled cotton
Our signature lining is made from GOTS Certified Cotton