The Black
Friday Fund


100% of our revenue from sale items this Black Friday Weekend will be donated to fund 3 Brickfield Schools in West Bengal, India. Special discounts for a good cause.

Our Approach to Black Friday

100% of our Black Friday Sale revenue goes to The Brickfield Schools, a project run by the NGO KMWSC to provide education to the children of brickfield workers, who are otherwise completely detached from formal education.

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The Goal

We’ve made it!

Thanks to all your support, we’ve reached the goal! This fund will go towards building 3 new Brickfield Schools. Thank you for together making this possible, and we will share updates soon!


Why the Brickfield Schools?

As a brand we find it important to give back and support local projects in India focusing on women empowerment or education.

The Brickfield School Project is an attempt to bring education, health and hygiene awareness and sensitization on rights and policies for both the brick workers and their children.

Throughout India there are thousands of brickfields – open air factories where clay bricks are made by hand. Most of the workers are migrants who, with their children, spend up to eight months of the year in these dusty fields. There is no formal education provided for these children due to the migratory nature of these families.

Their opportunities in life are drastically improved by the education provided by The Brickfield Schools. This project aims to break the cycle these families are in.

Brickfield School Kids Brickfield School Kids

The Impact

The opening of these 3 schools will mean 194 more children in the brickfield areas of West Bengal, India, will have access to education.

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Brickfield Schools now operate since this project began in 2008
migrant children receive education through The Brickfield Schools
bags were donated by O My Bag for the children of The Brickfield Schools in 2017

Choose Your Contribution

Do you want to support the cause without buying a bag? Buy a Cord Taco this Black Friday weekend and choose your price to contribute. Like all sale items, 100% of this revenue will go to The Brickfield Schools. You can choose your price starting from €5.

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One Fly Violet sold equals education for three children
One Laptop Sleeve sold equals education for one child
One John Backpack sold equals education for two children

About the Brickfield Schools

This cause began in 2008 with 20 schools. There are now 60 Brickfield Schools, which means 3,876 migrant children are reached with education and awareness.

These are ‘open air trunk schools’ carrying a trunk full of teaching materials for the children. These trunks are set up under the shades of trees, where the lessons commence for the children 5 days a week for 3 hours a day.

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Our Take on Black Friday

The Black Friday “holiday” is accused to promote over-consumption. But the choice the avoid the hype is not as easy. Read all about our take on Black Friday in our blog. 

Read the blog


In 2017 we donated 3000 backpacks to The Brickfield Schools. While on a production trip later that year, some of the O My Bag team travelled to one of The Brickfield Schools to see firsthand the impact of this initiative. The children loved their backpacks and there was even an increase of attendance at the schools. We’re pleased to be able to help The Brickfields Schools again this year.

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