Articles: A word from Paulien

After extensive testing and experimenting behind the scenes, we’re delighted to add MIRUM® to our collection—the first plant-based leather alternative made from 100% natural materials.
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Discover the standout moments that made 2023 a year to remember! From global travels to heartwarming connections, Paulien spills the beans on the highlights that shaped our journey and gives you a sneak peek into the exciting road ahead in 2024. Be inspired by the full Q&A!
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Discover O My Bag's journey during 2022. Amid COVID-19, we expanded our team, bolstered personal development, and relocated to a new HQ in Amsterdam. Our sustainability focus led to CO2 reduction and advancements in our Indian factories, and we dedicated €37,000 to Giving Back projects.
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O My Boss Paulien Wesselink reflects on the big wins from past year including celebrating O My Bags 10th anniversary to becoming a B corp, and much more!

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So, here we are, 10 years later, doing what we love: changing the world, one bag at a time. But we couldn’t have done it on our own, so we wanted to celebrate those who are part of the O My Bag Story. Read Paulien’s Letter to see where it all started!

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O My Boss Paulien Wesselink looks forward to 2021, reflecting on O My Bag's business year and her personal life.
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It’s almost Christmas, time to relax and reflect. But first there is that last minute rush to get everything done before Christmas actually arrives.
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O My Boss Paulien looks back on 2018, reflecting on O My Bags business year and her personal life. With some key highlights from 2018.
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Paulien Wesselink, Founder and CEO of O MY BAG answers all your questions.
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Paulien with her mom and dad, brother Maurits and sister Emilie during the 5 year anniversary of O My Bag in July 2016. Despite O My Bag’s success, 2017 was a challenging year for me. Late 2016 my mother was unexpectedly diagnosed with an advanced form of kidney cancer. The prognosis was bad and the diagnosis sudden. My mother was only 61, she had an active lifestyle and was passionately working at her own pharmacy, as she had been for the past 31 years. She was the heart of our family of 4 children, her illness was devastating for us....

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